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Rick White

Menu annoyance

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Okay I know this is a minor annoyance but it drives me absolutely nuts every time I use the menus.

There are two main menu screens APPS and SETTINGS and they don't loop around to each other like you would expect.   When you are on the SETTINGS screen (as shown below) and you click on a far right icon you should loop around to the APPS menu.



Sure it does this but instead of looping around to the left of the APP screen (as shown below) it starts on the far right of the screen instead of the far left icon.




If this is something that can be fixed in a future update my sanity would be forever in your debt, lol  :)

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19 hours ago, Rick White said:

Okay I know this is a minor annoyance but it drives me absolutely nuts every time I use the menus.

There are two main menu screens APPS and SETTINGS and they don't loop around to each other like you would expect.   When you are on the SETTINGS screen (as shown below) and you click on a far right icon you should loop around to the APPS menu.



Sure it does this but instead of looping around to the left of the APP screen (as shown below) it starts on the far right of the screen instead of the far left icon.




If this is something that can be fixed in a future update my sanity would be forever in your debt, lol  :)

Sorry you are suggesting that when you keep hitting right and go past more settings icon, it should land back onto Wifi icon?

Or home page?

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The way it works now is imagine you are on the DISPLAY icon of the SETTINGS page and you want to go to APPLICATION on the APPS page.


You click right to get to the MORE SETTINGS icon.  If you click again right it loops around the APP page but you aren't on the APPLICATION icon like it should be.  You are all the way to the right on the MyGica Store icon (if you use these screenshots as an example layout).    Suddenly you have gone from clicking right to having to click left.   It makes no sense in terms of interface design.

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Ok I will take these suggestions into consideration

They do make sense

We are looking at creating a new launcher though, as we feel this one is old now.

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