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Configuring SMB on 582 re Kodi, VLC, File manager

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Configuring SMB on 582 re Kodi, VLC, File manager

After some random failures on Kodi the startup App screen was replaced an app screen. Not able to get to the original home screen, I was forced to do a reset of my 582 today .... that meant reinstalling all my apps.

Previously I have had Kodi, VLC Media player, File Manager and ES File Manager configured to access shared drives in my WIN 10 pc via SMB. I recall that I initially had a problem when first attempting it in Kodi about 18 months ago and after some searching found that I had to change a specific setting ...... and believe me after almost 12 hours of googling and having worked through umpteen forums and pages cannot find a or THE solution.

What I do know is that the device has to be rooted for SMB to be enabled. I've tried Root Checker from Google Playstore, it responds that it cannot find the setting for this device. I've also tried Terminal Emulator. The prompt it shows is a $ sign instead of a # sign. When entering the "su" command which should respond with a # prompt, it comes back with a failed error in that it cannot find the correct offset.

Justin is there a patch one can apply to enforce being rooted?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, at this point in time I am at my wits end having tried everything as far as SMB is concerned. There is alternative options, however I prefer not to follow these as SMB has been simple up to now.

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Resolved the issue  by defining a new user account not consisting of an email address, however still find it strange that it worked with my personal account which consists of an email address before. Don't know why Microsoft (Windows) insists on an email address to identify an account as the Windows Live logon was shelved some time ago.


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