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About petruspjs

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  1. Glad to report that everything now seems to work including restarting from hibernation. I didn't re-import the stations as using the new driver didn't seem to need it. Thank you very much indeed for your help. I see that there might be an 'official' solution to this - is that right? Still this seems to work fine - was it supplied by MyGica?
  2. Just tried right clicking on the link and then using 'copy the link to the browser' and the download started. Will report if successful later when I have time to try it
  3. Thank you both for your suggestions. Much appreciated. Yes, I am running Windows 10 64 bit. Unfortunately both clicking the link and copying the link into my browser address bar get the following error message: This attachment is not available. It may have been removed or the person who shared it may not have permission to share it to this location. Error code: 2C171/1 Grateful for suggestions in getting round this (attaching the driver?)
  4. I have exactly this problem but with the T230. After hibernation the stick either needs removal and re-insertion or the computer needs rebooting.
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