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FCC chairman supports reclassifying internet.

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Huge news: FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler just announced support for reclassifying the Internet as a public utility.1

If you had predicted the FCC would do this a year ago, you'd have been laughed out of the room in Washington, D.C. Now it's really happening.

But the truth is, this fight is just beginning. Reclassification just means the FCC will have the authority to protect Net Neutrality. It doesn't mean they'll do it.

And if we lose, it means that cable companies like Comcast will be able to give priority Internet service to big corporations and dump the rest of us onto an Internet slow lane. We can't let that happen.

The final decision will be made between now and February 26, when the FCC's final vote on Net Neutrality is scheduled.

Republicans in Congress are advancing a bill that would prevent the FCC from acting to protect the Internet. But even the bill's author said yesterday that it "obviously would be hard to move" without bipartisan support.2 Siding with Big Cable to slow the internet isn't popular—and it's up to us to make sure every member of Congress knows it, and backs off this dangerous bill.

Can you make a quick call to your members of Congress using an awesome new call tool that our friends at Fight for the Future made?

Click here for a script and number to call Congress


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