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Everything posted by carstereoguy

  1. is it possible to go back to 1105 firmware and if so how do I go about it
  2. upgrade went well but my keyboard or mouse don't work the greatest am I the only one with this issue
  3. special thanks to tarabostes and everyone for all your help I was pretty frustrated came home tonight used a different sd card and I don't know if I did anything different but was able to do both updates. your help is very appreciated
  4. Was going to post what's on my ad card but can't copy and paste
  5. I can go in recovery only if my sd card is not in its something stupid cant seem to get it does anybody have a pic of the file that should be on the sd card just to make sure
  6. unit still boots so I downloaded the file put it on a micro sd and usb put both in than I go ton recovery and it reboots but freezes
  7. this box is going back to the store even tried to call tech support for the last 2 days no call returned wont take update
  8. I checked my machine and it was outdated now installing the 20141105 update how long does it take to load it is stuck on android kit kat screen
  9. getting frustrated with this box would like to update the firmware cause of issues so I downloaded the 371 mb update copy and pasted it on usb and microsd card I go to local update and it doesn't see it
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