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Everything posted by mam125

  1. Sammysos, the short answer is: maybe. The latest update makes the EPG mostly useless. If you downgrade to 2 updates ago (from last Novermber I think) then the EPg works....sometimes. But it all depends on your local stations sending out EPG data with the OTA signal. If your stations don't send data (or send inaccurate data) then you have no way to set a recording program. MyGica did not include any manual setting options. For over a year, MyGica has been promising a fix to these problems, but has not delivered. If you purchased your ATV586 recently, maybe you can still return it. MAM
  2. Also, the clock has a habit of resetting to a random time. (maybe due to power going out, or unplugging the device to reboot) This would be a big problem if I could set recording programs because I have no idea what time it would be using to decide when to record. I have tried it with the automatic time update set on or off. The time zone is set correctly. And the time in the home screen does not match the time in the EPG screen. The time in the EPG screen seems to set automatically (whether I have time set to update automatically or not). Sometimes the time in EPG is accurate, sometimes it is out by about 5 minutes. The time in the home screen seems to need me to reset it (whether I have time set to update automatically or not). MAM
  3. I tried the new DTV player (2016-06-21) and it still does not work. I uninstalled the old DTV. I installed the new DTV. I installed the new TV service. The EPG shows up, and seems mostly correct. When I try to set a recording, the screen goes black. The only way out is to press exit, and that takes me back to the home screen and the recording is not set. I will revert to the update from october. MAM
  4. Thanks for the updated DTV. How do I uninstall the old DTV? Will it work if I just install the new stuff? thanks, MAM
  5. Justin, thanks for the info about the proposed epg pictures and descriptions. If it comes in from OTA antenna, then I am happy with or without it. Another hiccup: I tried to set a recording program using epg (on a channel that has epg) After I clicked done/yes, it wend to a blank/black screen. I could exit to home screen using exit button, but the recording program did not save (it does not show up in schedule list) I tried re-booting, same result. I have the latest updates (I think). It automatically updated 2 times last week. I also have the problem others have said - titles in epg are missing a few letters, but the epg times and programs seem to be correct.
  6. In the new epg design, where does it get the preview pictures and description blurbs for the shows? Internet I assume? Or does that come OTA from antenna with the epg data? Does that use a lot of time, bandwidth, resources? (Does it pre-load pictures and synopses for all shows in the epg, or just get one at a time when needed?) Can I turn off the preview picture and description if i don't want it? thx.
  7. My EPG data is gone too (U.S. and Canadian channels). Using "update_Mygica_ATV586A_4.4_20160330" Please add a feature to set a recording by entering date, time and channel (not using EPG data)
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