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Everything posted by edskaz

  1. Hi Justin, Finally solved issue with DD and DTS pass-through it works both through SPDIF and HDMI. Some advanced options were hidden in XMBC which I didn't notice first. Now regarding youtube judder issues. I have tried playing the same video over built in browser and there is no judder. But when I play using youtube app there is judder both in 720p and 1080p modes. I have tried to update youtube app using "Play store" with no success as judder still remains. Any ideas why is that ? Videos I was testing on were "Jay Leno Garage". Judder is not seen at the firs time, but after you look closer it starts to irritate a bit.
  2. Hello Justin, Thanks for reply. I have found SPDIF pass-through option in Setup menu. AC3 gets passed over SPDIF fine using XBMC Gotham, but DTS is always down sampled to stereo. Is there a imitation of atv1200 HW board to pass-throught DTS only over HDMI of some sort ? Read somewhere that there might be. The other problem I am having is that youtube playback over youtube app has judder. My old WDTV Live is silky smooth compared to at1200. Don't know why. Tried both 720p and 1080p resolutions with the same effect.
  3. How do I enable AC3 and DTS passthrough over spdif in atv1200 4.2.2 FW ? There seems to be no option in Settings menu.
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