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Root-kit on an 1800E

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Not sure if this is answerable or not, but, can someone install an unauthorized root-kit on a android media streamer? If so, can they then get onto your home network via this box? Any way to detect if there is or not? Is there virus scanning for the MyGica product ? Norton, McAfee, Kaspersky?

What's the saying: "Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you." - Joseph Heller

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Not sure if this is answerable or not, but, can someone install an unauthorized root-kit on a android media streamer? If so, can they then get onto your home network via this box? Any way to detect if there is or not? Is there virus scanning for the MyGica product ? Norton, McAfee, Kaspersky?

What's the saying: "Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you." - Joseph Heller

Is a good question

But not something that would likely happen.

Since all Android OS is different on every device, due to it being an Open Source OS, an attack like what you would see on Windows PCs would not really be the same on Android, since it would have to be a direct attack towards that exact version of Android OS.

A friend of mine works at Symantec, and also worked at Kaspersky. They do sell Android Anti Virus if you really want to get it just to be safe.

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Thanks Justin, it's pretty much as I thought, if 'they' are after you, most protection won't suffice. I'll keep the scanners on my various PC's, but, keep an eye on the Android OS.

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