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Dual Audio outs

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Is it possible to use simultaneous audio outs on the atv1200? Or does only 1 work at a time?

I want the optical going to the SS receiver, and the analog going to the TV.

Also, does anyone know if there's a sleep function so it shuts down after certain period of innactivity? Its not good to leave it on 24/7.


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Is it possible to use simultaneous audio outs on the atv1200? Or does only 1 work at a time?

I want the optical going to the SS receiver, and the analog going to the TV.

Also, does anyone know if there's a sleep function so it shuts down after certain period of innactivity? Its not good to leave it on 24/7.


Optical audio needs to be turned on within the settings menu for it to work. So therefore 2 audio outputs at the same time is not possible.

You can always leave your unit on 24/7 if you like, this wont hurt the unit, the unit uses such low power consumption already, or you can just power off the box using the remote control.

The sleep function on a timer is actually a very good suggestion though, I will look into having this added.

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Hey Justin...you're the man. Thanks.

There might be an app for the sleep function...not entirely certain. If I see one I'll post it.

Primary reason for the sleep function is because XBMC xml record fields get's wacky with some addons like mashup. That's why the developer put a DB repair function in Mashup settings. There's a way to move the XML metadata to an ext SDA, but that involves messin with the cmd's in the system xml settings.

On a side note, does anyone know how to setup remote vnc on the gica units ? I wanna interface or dup the gica xbmc screen onto my android tablet so I can select the music tracks in a different room thru my tablet. The gica is connected to the SS receiver via optical, and the spkr wires from the receiver go to a different room for musical listening enjoyment.

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