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MyGica Support

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MyGica Support last won the day on July 17 2021

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  1. Hi, im confused. What do you mean you are trying to get mygica to work on it? What are you installing?
  2. Hi guys, did you try out following this video?
  3. Appologies on where this was posted. I’ve been traveling and for some reason the posts are not showing me where the proper place that they are on mobile devices. Have you you tried reinstalling that version of Netflix? A slight workaround instead of rebooting, for the meantime, can you try holding down the three lines button near the top of your remote for several seconds until a rocket ship appears, then launches off. Wait another few seconds and reopen Netflix. The last resort may be doing a factory reset, because as I mentioned, I’m not getting this report from anyone else , yet. Not to say it isn’t an issue. Keep me updated as I want to keep an eye on this. I don’t like seeing any issues with major services like Netflix or amazon prime video.
  4. Which device is this for? I haven’t seen this happen before and I’d like to find out any additional info you can provide. Did you install this version of Netflix, or is this the version that came with it?
  5. Hi there, mid you reboot the box, is itnworking after that? Or does it keep giving the error every time? I haven’t heard of this being an issue, but will look into it with any adiditional info you give. Thanks
  6. Woah, a virus? I have never heard of that. In what program is this happening or is this happening no matter where you are? Can you post a picture of this?
  7. Frankie, The units power usage does not change much if on or off. The device itself uses only several dollars of electricity each year.
  8. Most people do not need root access. One previous benefit to root was having "quickboot" which allowed for a full reset of the system which cleared the cache. We now have a manual way of doing that by pressing the paint brush in the bottom left of the home screen. Only certain people need root, which is why we provide it. The fact is though, more apps work from the google play without issue when it is not rooted.
  9. Postak, thanks for the video. We have sent several to the engineers and they have had them since last week.Hopefully we will have something quickly here guys.
  10. Thanks very much Kennstr and luciano, This is very helpful how you both showed the process.
  11. Guys, If you can record a video of this happening and try to show the front of the units while this is going on. This will help a lot showing the engineers. We are trying to duplicate this issue on every tv we can get our hands on, to no avail.
  12. Regarding the blackscreen issue, can anyone take a video of it and send it to me? We are having some trouble duplicating this issue. Many thanks ahead of time.
  13. I am always happy to see lengthy detailed replies like this one. We are working on updating harmony so that their remotes will work on our latest devices. Check back with them soon. Rebooting the device was able to be done based on a rooted program. Now that the update un-rooted the box, I assume you are trying to clear the cache, correct? You can now do this by clicking the paintbrush on the main screen or holding down the context button for a moment until it shows you a rocket-ship taking off.
  14. Deadwood, I am happy that you are doing your research on these systems. The decision process when comparing purely by specs is at time a pain. MyGica stands by our products. We go the distance to pay for proper electrical and audio video licensing. We provide support in a number of ways including this forum. We spend a lot of time customizing our firmware, which of course brings it own set of bugs etc. We make sure that we do not back down on problems and we fix them. When dealing with cheaper no name boxes that advertise powerful systems, please keep in mind that they are almost always using a default android. This means they lack optimization, ota updating ability, support, warranties, licensing. Something that seems crazy to me is putting something into my home that if my insurance company knew about, would void my insurance. These things that I have listed arent always important to people who want to save a buck, I understand that. For me personally, I want to buy a product that if when I receive it, something is wrong that I can return the product, or at least get some support on it. Hopefully this helps in your decision process. please feel free to PM me or phone us anytime to discuss anything about our boxes.
  15. Hi, I havent seen this yet, is this still happening? Have you unplugged the unit for a full restart and seeing if this continues?
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