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MyGica Support

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  1. Did you do the same method to both of them? What steps did you take? Are you located in Canada?
  2. I’m going to check with one of the techs to see if they can chime in with help on this.
  3. Hi, im confused. What do you mean you are trying to get mygica to work on it? What are you installing?
  4. What image do you mean? There are multiple versions of android in the downloads section that each have an .img file in them. Sorry if I’m confused. To comment on the other pist about turning people away at the door, we try to support the product as best we can from anywhere the unit was purchased. We can’t tell people to not come here for support. If your unit is bricked, and you can’t aend it in for a service, you may want to try out the burning tool method. I’ve seen it work flawlessly, but I’m not as familiar on the instructions.
  5. Hey guys, the burning tool should allow it to be unbricked. That’s our method as well. If you’re in Canada, we can check it out at the shop and try as well. As for the support@mygica.com, that is from the hq in China most likely. We have created this firmware separate from the normal channels and without support from the chipset builders, which is why others may be clueless. We are doing it to try and support our customers as best we can. For the SA guys, if it gets bricked, hopefully your local distributor will be willing to help fix, or replace somehow.
  6. Did you download the mygica 1900 pro files from harmony? I haven’t used a harmony, but if it’s using IR somehow, it should work. If it’s using it somehow trough the network, then I can see that there could be an issue. To be honest, I don’t turn my box off. It consumes about $4 of electricity per year, and doesn’t use much less when on standby. Since there’s no moving parts, these things typically last even longer when power cycles aren’t being used.
  7. Version 7.1 BETA (final version)


    ATV 495 PRO upgrade to Android version 7.1 This is a beta version as we had to build this ourselves without the normal support through regular channels. This will not move passed BETA, so you may encounter minor issues with certain programs, but we currently have no known issues at the moment. Difficulty level - 3/5 This will not work on the 495. It is meant for the 495 PRO. This is indicated on the sticker on the bottom of your 495 Pro unit. If it doesn't say "PRO" then its a different device. Notable features: -Updates from Android 5.1 to 7.1 for better support. - New Home Screen - Added Dual Boot Option to Libreelec - Added Super User Support ****DO NOT ATTEMPT TO UPGRADE TO 7.1 THROUGH THE OPERATING SYSTEM. IT WILL POTENTIALLY BRICK YOUR DEVICE*** This update must be done using the below method only. NOTE: Processing this Firmware upgrade will wipe all your Data How to process the steps: 1. Download the zip file 2. Format your MicroSD Card to FAT32 3. Unzip the files into a folder on your computer before moving to step 4. 4. Drag and drop files from Unzip folder to root of your MicroSD card. (unzip files to the main part of the card, not in a folder) 5. Insert sd card with files into the 495 PRO SD card slot 6. Connect HDMI, turn the TV on 7. Hold the Power button. 8. Hookup power while holding down power button. 9. Hold for 15 seconds 10. The front side lights should blink red to green repeatedly if the upgrade process has started properly. you will see the android guy moving, give it 5 -10 minutes and it should bring you to the 7.1 setup screen.
  8. Version 7.1 BETA (final version)


    ATV 1900 PRO upgrade to Android version 7.1 This is a beta version as we had to build this ourselves without the normal support through regular channels. This will not move passed BETA, so you may encounter minor issues with certain programs, but we currently have no known issues at the moment. Difficulty level - 3/5 This will not work on the 1900. It is meant for the 1900 PRO. Notable features: -Updates from Android 5.1 to 7.1 for better support. - New Home Screen - Added Dual Boot Option to Libreelec - Added Super User Support ****DO NOT ATTEMPT TO UPGRADE TO 7.1 THROUGH THE OPERATING SYSTEM. IT WILL POTENTIALLY BRICK YOUR DEVICE*** This update must be done using the below method only. NOTE: Processing this Firmware upgrade will wipe all your Data How to process the steps: 1. Download the zip file 2. Format your MicroSD Card to FAT32 3. Unzip the files into a folder on your computer before moving to step 4. 4. Drag and drop files from Unzip folder to root of your MicroSD card. (unzip files to the main part of the card, not in a folder) 5. Insert sd card with files into the 1900 PRO SD card slot 6. Connect HDMI, turn the TV on 7. Hold the Reset button at the back. 8. Hookup power while holding down Reset, via pin 9. Hold for 15 seconds 10. The front side lights should blink red to green repeatedly if the upgrade process has started properly. you will see the android guy moving, give it 5 -10 minutes and it should bring you to the 7.1 setup screen.
  9. Hi guys, did you try out following this video?
  10. Appologies on where this was posted. I’ve been traveling and for some reason the posts are not showing me where the proper place that they are on mobile devices. Have you you tried reinstalling that version of Netflix? A slight workaround instead of rebooting, for the meantime, can you try holding down the three lines button near the top of your remote for several seconds until a rocket ship appears, then launches off. Wait another few seconds and reopen Netflix. The last resort may be doing a factory reset, because as I mentioned, I’m not getting this report from anyone else , yet. Not to say it isn’t an issue. Keep me updated as I want to keep an eye on this. I don’t like seeing any issues with major services like Netflix or amazon prime video.
  11. Which device is this for? I haven’t seen this happen before and I’d like to find out any additional info you can provide. Did you install this version of Netflix, or is this the version that came with it?
  12. Hi there, mid you reboot the box, is itnworking after that? Or does it keep giving the error every time? I haven’t heard of this being an issue, but will look into it with any adiditional info you give. Thanks
  13. I’m pretty sure it is 4.2.2. If it isn’t, then this is the latest one.
  14. Woah, a virus? I have never heard of that. In what program is this happening or is this happening no matter where you are? Can you post a picture of this?
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